Bhawna G. Panwar

8 minute read

Artificial Neural Networks(ANN) Algorithm is used on Concrete dataset. Neural Networks are considered a black box process. ANNs are based on complex mathematical systems. But not a zero node NN is an alternative representation of the simple linear regression model.

ANNs are versatile learners that can be applied to nearly any learning task: classification, numeric prediction, and even unsupervised pattern recognition.

ANNs are best applied to problems where the input data and the output data are well-understood or at least fairly simple, yet the process that relates the input to the output is extremely complex.

These need no introduction: they model the biological neurons, and can be applied to most tasks - typically to supervised learning (either classification or regression), but also to unsupervised learning for discovering properties about unknown data (though this use’s application is still quite rare)

Each node in the net has:

multiple input signals, each with its own weight (the x’s) an activation function which (typically) sums all inputs * their respective weight a single output signal (the y)

So y(x)=f(sum(ni=wi*xi)

The activation function

The activation function in the biological sense simply adds up the weighted inputs, and if that exceeds a threshold, the neuron fires. This is simply a step function from y = 0 to y = 1:

##### Part 1: Neural Networks Algorithm is used to 
## Example: Modeling the Strength of Concrete  ----
## Step 2: Exploring and preparing the data ----
# read in data and examine structure
concrete <- read.csv("C:/Users/Bhawna/Documents/blog/data/concrete.csv")
## 'data.frame':    1030 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ cement      : num  141 169 250 266 155 ...
##  $ slag        : num  212 42.2 0 114 183.4 ...
##  $ ash         : num  0 124.3 95.7 0 0 ...
##  $ water       : num  204 158 187 228 193 ...
##  $ superplastic: num  0 10.8 5.5 0 9.1 0 0 6.4 0 9 ...
##  $ coarseagg   : num  972 1081 957 932 1047 ...
##  $ fineagg     : num  748 796 861 670 697 ...
##  $ age         : int  28 14 28 28 28 90 7 56 28 28 ...
##  $ strength    : num  29.9 23.5 29.2 45.9 18.3 ...
# custom normalization function
normalize <- function(x) { 
  return((x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)))

# apply normalization to entire data frame
concrete_norm <-, normalize))

# confirm that the range is now between zero and one
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  0.0000  0.2664  0.4001  0.4172  0.5457  1.0000
# compared to the original minimum and maximum
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    2.33   23.71   34.44   35.82   46.14   82.60
# create training and test data
concrete_train <- concrete_norm[1:773, ]
concrete_test <- concrete_norm[774:1030, ]
## Step 3: Training a model on the data ----
# train the neuralnet model
## Warning: package 'neuralnet' was built under R version 3.3.3
# simple ANN with only a single hidden neuron
set.seed(12345) # to guarantee repeatable results
concrete_model <- neuralnet(formula = strength ~ cement + slag +
                              ash + water + superplastic + 
                              coarseagg + fineagg + age,
                              data = concrete_train)

# visualize the network topology
a<- plot(concrete_model)


# alternative plot

# plotnet
par(mar = numeric(4), family = 'serif')
#plotnet(concrete_model, alpha = 0.6)
## Step 4: Evaluating model performance ----
# obtain model results
model_results <- compute(concrete_model, concrete_test[1:8])
# obtain predicted strength values
predicted_strength <- model_results$net.result
# examine the correlation between predicted and actual values
cor(predicted_strength, concrete_test$strength)   # higher than stated in book 0.7170368646
##              [,1]
## [1,] 0.8064655576
# produce actual predictions by 

##             [,1]
## 774 0.3258991537
## 775 0.4677425372
## 776 0.2370268181
## 777 0.6718811029
## 778 0.4663428766
## 779 0.4685272270
concrete_train_original_strength <- concrete[1:773,"strength"]

strength_min <- min(concrete_train_original_strength)
strength_max <- max(concrete_train_original_strength)

## [1] 29.89 23.51 29.22 45.85 18.29 21.86
# custom normalization function
unnormalize <- function(x, min, max) { 
  return( (max - min)*x + min )

strength_pred <- unnormalize(predicted_strength, strength_min, strength_max)
##              [,1]
## 774  28.212910787
## 775  39.478112301
## 776  21.154669896
## 777  55.690797192
## 778  39.366951260
## 779  39.540432369
## 780  39.928033889
## 781  49.040354523
## 782  27.907103923
## 783  20.321053693
## 784   7.266385231
## 785  46.876247191
## 786  48.856855398
## 787  46.703583933
## 788  45.448376324
## 789  51.065068074
## 790  43.680671652
## 791  28.193980938
## 792  28.827103782
## 793  18.345241127
## 794  18.252462770
## 795  15.643701142
## 796  17.801483462
## 797  23.682825829
## 798  13.976073367
## 799  12.194355970
## 800  33.449926982
## 801  25.088099888
## 802  52.607784390
## 803  24.433849292
## 804  34.735202333
## 805  44.689978758
## 806  43.020408989
## 807  33.080435982
## 808  34.849702382
## 809  47.563249060
## 810   6.938091659
## 811  29.327314842
## 812  52.193794638
## 813  18.724170879
## 814  23.403183011
## 815  31.805906354
## 816  26.771592010
## 817  54.848833698
## 818  26.325671398
## 819  18.271643621
## 820  21.589603938
## 821  19.723934696
## 822  24.236493867
## 823  26.151069034
## 824  44.930065559
## 825  45.984424330
## 826  36.569851275
## 827  18.383419764
## 828  37.547970377
## 829  44.080234009
## 830  17.365663875
## 831  49.764429240
## 832  23.644245310
## 833  18.886834859
## 834  46.263011829
## 835  54.475179301
## 836  20.727657800
## 837  50.093261598
## 838  35.938877950
## 839  55.151231281
## 840  43.539564013
## 841  20.696074238
## 842  44.549415622
## 843  24.482322674
## 844  16.201399197
## 845  42.375778976
## 846  45.270976016
## 847  44.638527605
## 848  10.311700822
## 849  46.304752045
## 850  19.307530759
## 851  55.737413630
## 852  24.793017815
## 853  23.814544656
## 854  33.546539494
## 855  42.695335181
## 856  49.811424381
## 857  48.652348988
## 858  52.638858641
## 859  53.166049496
## 860  24.183085073
## 861  41.825425595
## 862  54.927075804
## 863  51.251536938
## 864  53.452210772
## 865  49.787431937
## 866  29.885878058
## 867  34.712601224
## 868  44.396238610
## 869  15.761370235
## 870  51.046835680
## 871   9.046006076
## 872  18.467300274
## 873  47.763396508
## 874  16.520661292
## 875  46.236355997
## 876  44.008915499
## 877  15.788252948
## 878  35.338644057
## 879  55.721030895
## 880  26.239781748
## 881  54.219040311
## 882  31.887794120
## 883  28.775965442
## 884  21.828939255
## 885  49.764429240
## 886  46.302614755
## 887  44.990113139
## 888  43.872794257
## 889  33.613802430
## 890  49.821748527
## 891  22.489345534
## 892  54.731284069
## 893  53.523149545
## 894  48.268894377
## 895  39.425593582
## 896  25.287008255
## 897  34.585350422
## 898  43.126060379
## 899  46.312025009
## 900  43.287860282
## 901  54.227588359
## 902  55.759561064
## 903  55.126429340
## 904  41.980980168
## 905  23.770483604
## 906  31.495206543
## 907  30.872026632
## 908  45.319018412
## 909  48.325099603
## 910  46.844044826
## 911  16.395384725
## 912  49.033749656
## 913  35.609382272
## 914  53.447559068
## 915  28.490260269
## 916  26.097392370
## 917  34.553462242
## 918  18.034082548
## 919  46.017644897
## 920  55.756594314
## 921  19.113094271
## 922  45.880359504
## 923  33.667746328
## 924  15.840638297
## 925  15.250768816
## 926  25.967077829
## 927  49.040327527
## 928  20.250009925
## 929  53.463888607
## 930  39.712945454
## 931  18.635100239
## 932  43.052489413
## 933  36.781496963
## 934  47.367089782
## 935  36.459125460
## 936  50.202821978
## 937  49.768635382
## 938  47.960542410
## 939  23.039593502
## 940  44.787449396
## 941  22.994965622
## 942  52.115231571
## 943  30.231029721
## 944  46.490832321
## 945  13.518827249
## 946  47.463311002
## 947  33.652021124
## 948  36.959189963
## 949  42.675567254
## 950  43.839085507
## 951  55.441831705
## 952  55.730302275
## 953  42.495361138
## 954  45.995593485
## 955  14.559033517
## 956  53.889321097
## 957  47.638332031
## 958  55.756976692
## 959  14.065750036
## 960  43.086479175
## 961  27.286788837
## 962  21.414631033
## 963  14.686461194
## 964  49.955191984
## 965  41.489814802
## 966  50.757732386
## 967  36.406258094
## 968  50.903995407
## 969  18.617655592
## 970  42.779147183
## 971  27.548360275
## 972  55.198346170
## 973  21.614221641
## 974  43.774007128
## 975  33.582782000
## 976  34.494050231
## 977  31.427147694
## 978  30.748169174
## 979  41.713472991
## 980  52.745480397
## 981  48.698035754
## 982  48.463177370
## 983  39.479649564
## 984  43.545565848
## 985  51.163772080
## 986  55.097430829
## 987  16.960833436
## 988  21.228459298
## 989  16.372967444
## 990  45.699914067
## 991  40.015149409
## 992  54.915041504
## 993  52.363061591
## 994  46.703583933
## 995  22.971496748
## 996  55.757710774
## 997  23.665277416
## 998  30.203783047
## 999  38.388908212
## 1000 31.819252685
## 1001 44.736636088
## 1002 20.515435999
## 1003 43.646913655
## 1004 53.414481990
## 1005 24.202915410
## 1006 49.321113911
## 1007 15.705157900
## 1008 28.509942443
## 1009 51.916787243
## 1010 27.794472365
## 1011 15.938227741
## 1012 31.463715541
## 1013 44.909197894
## 1014 48.094743404
## 1015 29.573686435
## 1016 32.339635939
## 1017 21.638918442
## 1018 54.759105089
## 1019 20.858741569
## 1020 30.157137857
## 1021 10.357941496
## 1022 25.792662773
## 1023 17.857069663
## 1024 12.193204624
## 1025 27.194717549
## 1026 17.787728300
## 1027 52.970583241
## 1028 41.241771843
## 1029 55.704290534
## 1030 46.250018028
## Step 5: Improving model performance ----
# a more complex neural network topology with 5 hidden neurons
set.seed(12345) # to guarantee repeatable results
concrete_model2 <- neuralnet(strength ~ cement + slag +
                               ash + water + superplastic + 
                               coarseagg + fineagg + age,
                               data = concrete_train, hidden = 5, act.fct = "logistic")
# plot the network

# plotnet
par(mar = numeric(4), family = 'serif')
#plotnet(concrete_model2, alpha = 0.6)
# evaluate the results as we did before
model_results2 <- compute(concrete_model2, concrete_test[1:8])
predicted_strength2 <- model_results2$net.result
cor(predicted_strength2, concrete_test$strength)  # higher than stated in book 0.801444583
##              [,1]
## [1,] 0.9244533426

Here we notice how increasing the number of nodes provided significant imporovement (92%)

# try different activation function
# a more complex neural network topology with 5 hidden neurons
set.seed(12345) # to guarantee repeatable results
concrete_model2 <- neuralnet(strength ~ cement + slag +
                               ash + water + superplastic + 
                               coarseagg + fineagg + age,
                             data = concrete_train, hidden = 5, act.fct = "tanh")
# evaluate the results as we did before
model_results2 <- compute(concrete_model2, concrete_test[1:8])
predicted_strength2 <- model_results2$net.result
cor(predicted_strength2, concrete_test$strength) 
##              [,1]
## [1,] 0.5741729322

We noticed that by changing the activation function didn’t help the performance(~57%).

Reference: Machine Learning in R

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